CTD and eCTD: Overview on the Recommended Format and Content for Marketing Application Submissions Short Course Overview

Introduction and Overview

History of the ICH and CTD

Major misconceptions about the CTD

Format:  The CTD is all about format

The critical relational of Module 2 summaries to Modules 3, 4, and 5

Module 1

“Granularity” and general principles for documents

Module 1:  Regional Administrative

    > Regional driven

    > Importance of administrative issues

    > Module 1 similarities and differences between FDA, EMEA, and JMHWL

Module 2; 2.4 and 2.5 Overviews

Nonclinical Overview (2.4) format and content recommendations

Clinical Overview (2.5) format and content recommendations

Module 2: 2.3 Quality Overall Summary (QOS)

The ‘S’ is for drug substance and ‘P’ for drug product

Recommended content for S and P subsections

Accuracy and completeness

QOS appendices and regional information

ICH Quality guideline summaries

Module 2: 2.6 Nonclinical Written and Tabulated Summaries

Preparation recommendations for and information included in 2.6 subsections

What to do if a nonclinical study was not done

Tabulated summaries for pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and toxicology

ICH Safety guideline recommendations

Module 2: 2.7 Clinical Summaries

Preparation recommendations for and information to be included in 2.7 subsections

Single core clinical study report (CSR) acceptable to all regulatory authorities

Handling of multiple efficacy indications in the CTD

Summarization of human safety results

ICH Efficacy guideline summaries

Modules 3, 4, and 5

Organization of Quality documentation in Module 3

Organization of nonclinical reports in Module 4

Organization of clinical reports and other documentation in Module 5

The eCTD for Electronic Filing

Preparing regulatory submissions in electronic format

The evolving eCTD specifications

Critical need to interface with regulatory agencies